This 6 week course includes 6 thrilling mystery tales from history. These classes are designed to be interesting, exciting, and engaging. There is no homework but students are expected to be interactive and engaged in class discussion.
Class Layout:
1-5 Minutes of student sharing
5-45 minutes on class topic with videos and discussion
5 minutes of wrap up and concluding conversation.
Don't see a time that's fits? Request for a time
Nicole Pauling, M. Ed.
I specialize in fun and sometimes scary history. I love to tell a good story. I love to create a tale in such a way that you are drawn in and you don't necessarily realize that you are sitting in a classroom. I also love to laugh. I love to be creative and design opportunities for students to connect to other students. I am a foster parent, mom, serial entrepreneur, artist, case worker, author, mom, and teacher.
Educationally, I have degrees in Sociology, Psychology, philosophy, and criminal justice and I recently completed my Master's in Education program and am getting my history certifications. I have run a domestic violence shelter, worked on mental health in a hospital, and did drop out prevention. I worked in the "field" for over a decade before going into business for myself.
A lot of my work with children has involved teaching them how to evaluate, plan, and use logic to understand the world, events, and consequences. Critical thinking is a skill that I encourage and like to build into my classes as well as flexible thinking as both are essential life skills. I am also a published author and have been writing books, poetry, and for newspapers and magazines for over 30 years. I am a certified Common Sense Educator and have training in internet safety and working with students on digital citizenship.
Justin Chang
USD 22.88
Keishla Galloza
USD 93.73
Mark Hooley
USD 80.34
Mark Hooley
USD 80.34
Mark Hooley
USD 80.34
USD 133.90
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