Teacher | Instructor | Lorraine Yu | LEARN Anytime Anywhere

Lorraine Yu

Arts Teacher

  • 1 Courses
Have you ever been in an English group discussion where nobody is willing to be the first person to speak? Or have you ever noticed the deafening silence that occurs in your children's English-speaking zoom class whenever they are asked to share their thoughts? Is it true that your children really don't have anything to say to each other? What is it that stops them from speaking up their minds?

My name is Lorraine and I am here to reassure you that we all have voices that deserve to be heard, especially the voices of your children. No matter whether your children are naturally shy or eager to express themselves, there is still a lot that needs to be learnt and explored in the art of communication, which is often neglected in school curriculums, due to the heavy emphasis on reading and writing. Having your children gain the ability to verbally express themselves freely in English is more than just about helping them excel at school, in their future studies or careers, most of all, the ability in voicing your thoughts and opinions is a gift that keeps on giving because it will give your children the chance to make new connections on a deeper level, starting right now. With my 4 years of experience in teaching, as well as in performing, I want to be there for your children's English learning journey, by showing them how fun and interesting learning a language can be, so that they can take the initiative in learning English, even outside of the classroom
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