Teacher | Instructor | Ana Díaz | LEARN Anytime Anywhere

Ana Díaz

World Languages Teacher

  • 3 Courses
I love my country and I love my language! I started teaching Spanish in a language school to adults that wanted to live in Spain. Soon I moved to teach children as well. I was enjoying the lessons as much as the students and that made me realized that I wanted to make teaching my profession. I love being in contact with people, particularly children and learn from other cultures. As I speak English I can always help the students when they are not understanding something. During the 20 years I have been teaching I have learnt that every person learns in a different way and that I, as teacher, need to adapt the learning process to the student. I love teaching children as we always have fun during lessons. Fun is very important while working with children!
Give your child the opportunity to learn one of the most spoken languages in the world with a teacher from Spain passionate about it!
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